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Steve Herrick

BAUEN, day 5

A complicated year The expropriation bill presented by Deputy Carlos Heller and merged with four similar bills had recently been approved at a particularly delicate time for the country, when the [left-leaning] Kirchner government was on the way out, and [right-wing] Mauricio Macri was about to win the day in the second round of Presidential elections. From the point of view of a recovered business like the BAUEN, the ideal thing would have been to end up approving the law… Read More »BAUEN, day 5

BAUEN, day 4

Protesters flowed in and out. Workers from the hotel or from other cooperatives and recovered businesses, members of the Argentine Federation of Self-Managed Worker Cooperatives (FACTA), supporters, and activists in solidarity with the BAUEN rotated to assure a permanent presence throughout the whole day, as news and rumors circulated among them. Police watched over the scene and rerouted traffic on Entre Ríos. Congress was blockaded, and there was little possibility of getting much closer to the place where part of… Read More »BAUEN, day 4

BAUEN, day 3

The Cinderella of expropriation At the corner of the National Congress that leads to the Senate Chamber, at the intersection of Entre Ríos and Hipólito Yrigoyen streets, a group of around two hundred people blocked two lanes of traffic, holding a long sign. Some of the protesters wore a black t-shirt with white lettering, the back of which read: “Put on the BAUEN t-shirt.” Off to the side, dangling from the bars that protected the Parliament from the crisis of… Read More »BAUEN, day 3

BAUEN, day 2

About this book This book is a collective creation. Its authors, those of us who drafted it, did interviews, and collected material, are members of the Open Faculty Program of the University of Buenos Aires, a university extension team that has studied businesses recovered by workers since 2002. Emiliano Balaguer and Desiderio Alfonso worked on the documentary part and on putting together the body of information that established the core of the text, but the rest of the team collaborated… Read More »BAUEN, day 2

BAUEN, day 1

Introduction This is a story that does not have an end yet. The BAUEN hotel is possibly one of the best-known experiences of labor self-management in the world, a symbol of the ability of the workers to not only manage a company, but to take their fate into their own hands. It does not have an end, because the story is not over. As this book went to press, a new eviction order against the cooperative, issued by judge Paula… Read More »BAUEN, day 1